Wednesday 4 April 2012



Just spotted another article in my news reader that's well worth sharing:  24/

The story is from a 19 year old young person talking about her work in South Africa.  The story itself is very inspiring, but looking at where these words of faith come from - a 19 year old - speaks volumes to me in itself.

Young people often get such a bad press here in the UK.  I work with kids, have a kid, and once upon a long time ago, I was a kid.  They can be irritating and hard work at times.  But when a story like this comes to light, it's worth noting.  Here's a teenage girl who could be comfortably staying in the UK, being looked after by her family, and 'enjoying' a typical teenage lifestyle full of copius amounts of cheap drink, clubs and 'fun'.  It's what I was doing at that age!  Instead, she's out there spreading God's word in a tough place, at a very young age.  God bless this young adult, and many, many others like her around the world!

M :)

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