Thursday 12 April 2012

Peter - A Further Observation

Just realised something - how two of my previous posts, which to me seemed to have very different focus's, tie together quite well.

I posted my thoughts on the Apostle Peter a few days ago, and wrote about how he stepped out in faith to walk on water towards Jesus.  His faith wavered, and he started to sink.  What I neglected to mention - because it had slipped my mind - was how he cried out "Lord, save me!" and Jesus responded by stretching out his hand and catching him. (Matthew 14:30-32).  I've been reading another book which made mention of this passage and it jogged my memory.

I also posted a quote from the John Piper book "When The Darkness Will Not Lift" (The Ground of Our Assurance When We Cannot See Our Faith).  The quote talked about how when we feel our faith is lacking, Jesus is still faithful to us.

While I don't want to give the impression that our faith in Him is not important - we were created for worship and praise after all, It's very reassuring to know that still He has us when our grip is shaky.  In the verse in Matthew, we see how Peter was sinking.  There was nothing in his own power he could do to stop this, so he cried out to the Lord, who immediately stretched out his hand and caught him.  John Piper states how "It is utterly crucial that in our darkness we affirm the wise, strong hand of God to hold us, even when we have no strength to hold him"  and the verse from Matthew gives us a solid example of this principle in action!

M :)

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